How does our coaching service work?

At Julie B Coaching, we offer tailored leadership coaching sessions designed specifically for women.

Our one-off sessions focus on key areas such as time management, overcoming self-limiting beliefs, goal setting, or understanding their unique leadership style.

With our expertise and support, they can unlock their full potential and achieve their professional goals with confidence.

Each 90 minute session will include sharing practical and useful tools that the manager or leader can then use in their own reflection, planning, one-to-one with their staff and in team meetings.

The cost for this service is £150.

Alternatively, our 3-month leadership coaching programme is tailored for women looking to enhance their leadership skills and values.

A three month coaching programme would cover one of the following topics to take a deeper journey through:

Understanding their leadership skills and strengths and growing personal confidence

Goal setting and productivity strategies

Leading their team through change


Three 90 minute sessions once a month will include sharing practical and useful tools that the manager or leader can then use in their own reflection, planning, one-to-one with their staff and in team meetings.

There is also additional support through one-to-one WhatsApp chats to maintain the link between sessions, share additional resources and consolidate the goal-setting.

The cost for this service is £400.

I believe together, we can make a real difference to the confidence of your female leaders and managers, increase their productivity and independent goal-setting, this will underpin all of the strategic and visionary work you are doing as a Senior Leader.

JulieBCoaching can be trusted to represent you with your leader or manager to grow positive communication at all levels.

Let's Talk

Schedule a free consultation.